Eating the Alphabet: From Artichoke to Zucchini

Fri 3/16 @ 1PM

“Apples, Bananas and Carrots! Oh My!” Bring your littles ones to the Cleveland Public Library (Hough branch) to learn their ABCs and healthy eating habits while sampling healthy fruit & veg from the Blaine Avenue Community Garden.

Cleveland, OH 44106

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4 Responses to “Eating the Alphabet: From Artichoke to Zucchini”

  1. Sounds great!

  2. I REALIZE CANT HAVE WALL to wall concrete,etc.etc.BUT wow…looks RURAL…GUESS THAT section of HOUGH is well back to Nature…DOES LOOK NICE…so does that sweetcorn n zucchini…artichoke? Wha Cleveland Greenhouse? TREE fruit IF remember correctly…and TROPICAL…maybe Im wrong…either way..some butter,cinnamon,etc. Life is good..some lake Erie fish…Yeahh…Some of that HOUGH WINERY wine n life is whutever…as a drink or sauce over the fish,veggies…

  3. SCARECROW, FOIL PANS,etc.OR THE RACCOONS,possums and EVERY OTHER creature on face of earth is gonna scarf it alllllllllllllllllllllllll…INCLUDING SQUASH..I am NOT kidding…*$*@ blankity blank GROUNDHOGS CHAW A feW PLACES on squsah,etc.n then waltz away…n stuck cutting OUT sections…or tossing out said or reusing as compost…

  4. Glad land REused…good for all…

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