David Franklin Suddenly Leaves Cleveland Museum of Art

And… he’s gone. David Franklin has suddenly resigned from his position as Cleveland Museum of Art Director, leaving many searching for explanations.

Says Franklin via press release, “The Museum is on very solid financial footing, with a bright future as one of the world’s finest art collections. Over the past few months, I have concluded that it’s time to spend more time on research and writing. I look forward to working with Fred Bidwell to achieve a smooth transition, and to starting work as a consultant on special projects such as the upcoming exhibition, Exporting Florence, scheduled to open in October 2014.”

More info & updates here.

Cleveland, OH 44106

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2 Responses to “David Franklin Suddenly Leaves Cleveland Museum of Art”

  1. I LIED…HE is NUMBER ONE hot posterkhild for the MOment….Why god why…NEW dartboard target for awhile..gotta give a break to other (idgets)….

  2. CYA…WHA expect museum to do?! SERIOUSLY….DF did THIS to self….SO far LUCKED out…MAYBE. TIME will tell. SURE sweating it out. DECEASED….NO idea…SPARE the fam and friends..Let system do its thing..PROS at it…on another level maybe silverlining…CMA tries other stuff….THAT discussion ongoing….whether thru a TRANSFORMER station or other….

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