MANSFIELD: Pimping the Poor

By Mansfield Frazier

One sure way to tell the electioneering season is hard upon us is that old trite, cheap political stunts are once again dusted off, trotted out, and put into play to curry favor with voters. While both parties are not above engaging in practices that virtually yell to the electorate that some politicians think they have oatmeal for brains, the stunt in question is exclusively the domain of the liberals and progressives.

I’m talking about politicians that attempt to demonstrate their affinity for — and solidarity with — poor folks by vowing to live on a buck-seventy-five a day (or whatever the bare minimum substance amount happens to be at the time) for a week. In this manner they’ll somehow — supposedly — gain a better understanding about (and insight into) what it feels like to be flat broke, busted, and destitute in America. Bullshit.

In fact, total bullshit. At the end of the week — or whatever designated period of time they feel works best to convince voters of their sincerity — they’re most likely go right back to dining on filet mignon, lobster tails … or whatever other kinds of delicacies that strikes their fancy … and during the entire week, while they’re supposedly suffering pangs of hunger and desperation, they also know it’s only a temporary condition they’re in … for a finite period of time.

They’re only engaging in temporary make believe, secure in the knowledge that no matter how painful or traumatizing their self-inflicted ordeal happens to be it will soon end … unlike the situation for many food-insecure Americans who have to constantly wonder from day-to-day where their next meal is coming from, and often times live in such a penurious condition for years, even decades.

While accusing these politicos of pimping the poor for political advantage — to gain favor with voters — might be too harsh a term … it’s not too harsh by all that much.

They really need to cut this kind putrid political gamesmanship out.


From Cool Cleveland correspondent Mansfield B. Frazier Frazier’s From Behind The Wall: Commentary on Crime, Punishment, Race and the Underclass by a Prison Inmate is available again in hardback. Snag your copy and have it signed by the author by visiting





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One Response to “MANSFIELD: Pimping the Poor”

  1. IF any hope there Gloria and mansfield…. LOCAL DEMOCRAT party SURE did number on self. ED MAY have been DEFINING moment but SURE been coming to THIS for a LONG time… SEEING TIGHTENING of ranks WAY REPUBLICANS do it… by law thing. QUITE frankly I PERSONALLY believe LEAST of THIER problems…literally TRYING to pass out literature or ABSENTEE ballots at nursing homes and get THAT notarized… ALMOST this death bed voting or confession or deposition. AND MAY explain WHY having trouble having…. OR THEIR allies are having….and SURE Republicans to other hopes drive that wedge in…. KNOWN some teachers,other who just couldnt deal with unruly 44 kids who dont give a blank,want to party,HAVE LOT of issues (including the teach who maybe LIKES to get a LITTLE ‘stewed’),etc. STILL THIS MINDSET of this 1967 or ’77 or ’97 and can party like its whatever and eh hey all good and …. HERE is CHANCE to ask BURB CHURCHES,etc. to step up to plate….. GONNA hear all the arguments about how idiots,crackheads,etc. QUITE frankly SOME ARE or WERE… OTHERS cant help disease,mental,other issues….

    BUT THIS DEM crew just seens LIKE well HEY….. NOT sure if bad organization or WHAT… MAYBE felt neutered by corruption mess…

    Food thing? You tell me… grocers to rest TRYING to influence events by just flinging stuff down the hopper and force out folks to other areas or off to jail or WHATEVER…

    TIME will tell with likes of ACA to rest thou EVEN THAT is a pseudo gift to biz… GUESS take WHAT spillover trickle down voodoo economic benefits CAN get… BETTER PERCENTAGE, dollar deal for average slob versus what Republicans would offer… CAN and DO right things like Consumer Protection Bureau but so remote,nuanced,etc.and ‘hidden’ thou Barack and other did ballyhoo that… I KNOW appreciate laws,efforts….

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